Fast, bespoke and affordable writing solutions

Got a story to tell, but no time to tell it? Web copy in need of a tickle? Profile piece that needs a professional touch? Need help with editing?

Drop me a line via to discuss your requirements because if it involves words, I can probably help.

I write and edit for corporates, SMEs, third sector and private clients. Wherever you need words that work.

What you get is a personalised, no-rush service based on my thirty years of experience in journalism, government communications, and training.

Edit and learn

Writing something at length? A book, blog, newsletter, chapter, magazine piece, web copy, memoir, family history, company report… for work or pleasure or somewhere in between?

You can write, but even the best writing shines when professionally edited. With this unique package, an expert works closely with your work before coaching you to become your own editor. That makes it a fast, bespoke, sustainable, friendly and affordable service designed to get you up and running by yourself.

Just get in touch via email with some details about your needs, using the headings at the foot of this text, and I’ll respond promptly.

If I can help you, then we’ll make a booking and you’ll be invited to email me up to 1,000 words of whatever you need editing. It could be an early draft, or something you think is finished but needs a second look. Just let me know and I will work with whatever shape it’s in.

What you get back from me is a closely edited document showing track changes in Word, with full explanatory notes and queries to help you better understand the editing process. Plus a ‘clean’ version with all my suggested changes made, and comments removed.  That’s the ‘edit’ part of the package.

Then we arrange an hour’s Zoom meeting for the ‘learn’ part of the package. This is live video, one-to-one, with you and me only. We will discuss your writing and editing needs and establish personalised strategies along with targeted tips and resources.

And that’s it. You’ll get an invoice after the live session, payable by bank transfer within 30 days.

Some clients learn enough and are happy to leave it there, while others repeat the package with a new block of writing immediately or after a gap, or like to repeat just one part of it (editing, or the live session). We can discuss whatever you need, including hiring me for a larger or ongoing editing task. If you want to know more about editing in general, and this service, see the FAQs in my blog section.

Or just mail me now at with responses (no more than a couple of sentences for each) under the headings below and I’ll reply the same week. If I can help you, then we’ll discuss fees and booking.

  1. What you write (subject, length, frequency etc).
  • Who you write for - that is, your actual or intended audience.
  • What you most want help with.
  • Any details of deadlines and timescales.

Media-ready features, profiles and press releases

Features. Print and online news outlets are always hungry for professionally written and free-to-use written features. From specialist B2B magazines and websites, to general interest newspapers, they need profiles, interviews, case studies and expert comment pieces.

How it works: we discuss the newsworthy people, things, and ideas within your organisation. You get an honest answer about what will work, and what won’t. I carry out research, any interviews, write it up, and send you a draft for the OK. Then we find some targeted media to approach.

I've written about a million words of these, and about 30,000 headlines for similar pieces and news stories.

Press releases. These are essentially advertisements that also happen to be news stories. That’s good news for you because it's cheaper than buying an ad - and if it gets used then you’ve got that golden third-party endorsement. Press releases are also great news for publishers of news, but only if they really do read like news stories. If your press release reads like an ad and has little news merit then the publisher would rather you bought an ad.

There’s an art to writing press releases and I've written hundreds of them, for government departments and universities. I've also, as a journalist, deleted or ignored thousands. Editors are besieged with them and with approaches by PR types so they won’t read past the first line unless it grabs their attention. After that, they want to know it’s all there, no ambiguities, no facts to check, nothing to slow them down. Then – and this is the sweet spot – they can just paste it into their publication.  Most press releases never get read but, with my help, we can make yours stand out.

Blog Posts

Blog posts can be a cute way of telling your story in episodic form, if you get it right. They give you and your organisation a human face. They tell your stakeholders that you care enough about what you do, and about them, to sit down every now and then and chat about it. Good blogs are all about authenticity, accuracy, regularity and readability. Talk to me about style, tone, length, and the rest of it and we can take it from there.

Rewrites and Edits

You may have written a lot of words. Or someone has, and there's all that writing all over your website or sitting on a Word document ready to find its place in a brochure. You take pride in offering the highest level of quality in your core product or service. Do your words reflect that?

Most writing, like diamonds, sparkles when cut. And even more when polished. That’s what I do. And I've done it for more than twenty years on newspapers and magazines and for private clients.

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